Class TelemetryPacket


public class TelemetryPacket extends Object
Container for telemetry information. This class can be extended to support additional, custom telemetry data.
  • Constructor Details

    • TelemetryPacket

      public TelemetryPacket(boolean drawDefaultField)
      Creates a new telemetry packet.
    • TelemetryPacket

      public TelemetryPacket()
  • Method Details

    • put

      public void put(String key, Object value)
      Stores a single key-value pair.
      key -
      value -
    • putAll

      public void putAll(Map<String,Object> map)
      Stores all entries of the provided map.
      map -
    • addLine

      public void addLine(String line)
      Adds a line to the telemetry log.
      line -
    • clearLines

      public void clearLines()
      Clears the telemetry log.
    • addTimestamp

      public long addTimestamp()
      Adds and returns the current timestamp to the packet. This is called automatically when the packet is sent (and any previous timestamp will be overwritten).
    • fieldOverlay

      public Canvas fieldOverlay()
      Returns the field overlay canvas.