ACME Robotics

Burlingame Qualifier

By Charlotte Coffin and Ryan Brott on Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Burlingame qualifier was quite a day! We woke up early, in order to arrive a the location on time, but when we got there, we realized that somehow our payment had been rejected and it was possible that we wouldn’t even be able to compete! Luckily that was quickly sorted out and we were able to compete, but we had missed the judging sessions and we were unable to win any awards. However as soon as we could we entered the pit area and began our day. Preparing for our final match Throughout the day, we did well. We won nearly all of our matches, and had a whole lot of fun. Robot in action on the playing field By alliance selection time, we were ranked fourth. We got selected by team #8404 Quixilver. With them, we won first place overall in the competition. The winning alliance! All in all it was a super fun and busy day. We learned a lot and can’t wait for our next competition.