ACME Robotics

About Us

We are FIRST FTC Team #8367 ACME Robotics. We are compromised of three students attending Nevada Union High School and Ghidotti Early College High School. During the season, we build and program a robot to meet the challenge put out by an organization called FIRST.


Charlotte Coffin

Charlotte is a founding member of ACME Robotics, and this is her second season on the team. She has experience with coding, web design, and outreach/fundraising. On the team, she works on the website, outreach, programming, and generally does what needs to be done.

Ryan Brott

Ryan is the main programmer on the team and the founder of this team. He has an extensive background in computer programming, web design, robotics, and CAD. On the team, he does most of the programming as well as fundraising and team management.

Kellen Bodine

Kellen is the main builder of the robot, and has been on the team since the beginning. He really enjoys working hands-on with the robot and also driving the robot. He has lots of experience in LEGO Robotics as well as all things physical.

Shawn Rashby

Shawn is the youngest on the team, at only 13 years old. He is on the building team for the robot. He has always wanted to join a robotics team, and he is glad he is finally old enough to be part of the team.

Sam Longmire

Sam is a new member this year. He has some experience coding as well as building. This season, he focused mainly on building and field creation as well as other things.

Ben Longmire

Ben joined the team this year. He has grown playing with LEGOs and building/designing lots of cool mechanisms.This season, he has worked mainly on the logo design and helped with the build process.

Kyle Panno

Kyle became a member of the team this season. He has background in digital art and some experience coding. On the team, he designed and created the logo for our team, as well as helping out with whatever needed to be done.

Max Case

Max joined ACME this season. He has worked with legos and has experience soldering. Max helps with robot build/creation.

Thea Pelayo

Thea recently joined ACME this season. She has experience with Javascript, and is quickly learning HTML and CSS through our website. She is in the Girls Who Code club recently and is passionate about bringing technology to women and to our small town. She is super excited about being part of this team.


Mike Oitzman

Mike Oitzman has been organizing and coaching FIRST teams in Nevada County since 2013. He is also a volunteer and judge at the Regional FTC and FRC championships. Mike has also founded STEAM Engine (, a local non-profit to help fundraise for the local Nevada County FIRST FLL and FTC teams. When he’s not volunteering and supporting the local robotics teams, he works as a Product Line Manager for Mobile Robots at Adept Technology, headquartered in the San Francisco Bay area.