core / com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.path.heading / WiggleInterpolator


class WiggleInterpolator : HeadingInterpolator (source)

Heading interpolator that wraps another interpolator and adds sinusoidal oscillations ("wiggles") while preserving continuity. More specifically, the wiggle function is composed of a sine wave with a quintic spline on either end.


amplitude - amplitude of the wiggle oscillations

desiredPeriod - period fo the wiggle oscillations

baseInterpolator - base interpolator to add oscillations to (e.g., oscillations relative to the tangent)



Heading interpolator that wraps another interpolator and adds sinusoidal oscillations ("wiggles") while preserving continuity. More specifically, the wiggle function is composed of a sine wave with a quintic spline on either end.

WiggleInterpolator(amplitude: Double, desiredPeriod: Double, baseInterpolator: HeadingInterpolator = TangentInterpolator())



Initialize the interpolator with a curve.

fun init(curve: ParametricCurve): Unit