public class Pose2d
Class for representing 2D robot poses (x, y, and heading) and their derivatives.
@JvmOverloads public Pose2d(double x, double y, double heading)
Class for representing 2D robot poses (x, y, and heading) and their derivatives.
@JvmOverloads public Pose2d(double x, double y)
Class for representing 2D robot poses (x, y, and heading) and their derivatives.
@JvmOverloads public Pose2d(double x)
Class for representing 2D robot poses (x, y, and heading) and their derivatives.
@JvmOverloads public Pose2d()
Class for representing 2D robot poses (x, y, and heading) and their derivatives.
public Pose2d(@NotNull Vector2d pos, double heading)
@NotNull public Vector2d vec()
@NotNull public Vector2d headingVec()
@NotNull public Pose2d times(double scalar)
@NotNull public Pose2d div(double scalar)
@NotNull public Pose2d unaryMinus()
public boolean epsilonEquals(@NotNull Pose2d other)
public boolean epsilonEqualsHeading(@NotNull Pose2d other)
@NotNull public java.lang.String toString()
public double getX()
public double getY()
public double getHeading()
public double component1()
public double component2()
public double component3()
@NotNull public Pose2d copy(double x, double y, double heading)
Class for representing 2D robot poses (x, y, and heading) and their derivatives.
public int hashCode()
public boolean equals(@Nullable java.lang.Object p)