public class QuinticSpline
extends ParametricCurve
Combination of two quintic polynomials into a 2D quintic spline. See this short paper for some motivation and implementation details.
public QuinticSpline(@NotNull com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.path.QuinticSpline.Knot start, @NotNull com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.path.QuinticSpline.Knot end, double maxDeltaK, double maxSegmentLength, int maxDepth)
Combination of two quintic polynomials into a 2D quintic spline. See this short paper for some motivation and implementation details.
- start waypointend
- end waypointmaxDeltaK
- maximum change in curvature between arc length param segmentsmaxSegmentLength
- maximum length of a single param segmentmaxDepth
- maximum stack depth@NotNull public QuinticPolynomial getX()
X polynomial (i.e., x(t))
@NotNull public QuinticPolynomial getY()
Y polynomial (i.e., y(t))
@NotNull public Vector2d internalGet$module(double t)
@NotNull public Vector2d internalDeriv$module(double t)
@NotNull public Vector2d internalSecondDeriv$module(double t)
@NotNull public Vector2d internalThirdDeriv$module(double t)
public double reparam$module(double s)
public double paramDeriv$module(double t)
public double paramSecondDeriv$module(double t)
public double paramThirdDeriv$module(double t)
public double length()
Returns the length of the curve.
@NotNull public java.lang.String toString()