core / com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.util / GuidingVectorField


class GuidingVectorField (source)

Guiding vector field for effective path following described in section III, eq. (9) of 1610.04391.pdf. Implementation note: 2D parametric curves are used to describe paths instead of implicit curves of the form f(x,y) = 0 as described in the paper (which dramatically affects the cross track error calculation).


path - path to follow (interpolator is ignored)

kN - path normal weight (see eq. (9))

errorMapFunc - custom error mapping (see eq. (4))



Container for the direction of the GVF and intermediate values used in its computation.

data class GVFResult



Guiding vector field for effective path following described in section III, eq. (9) of 1610.04391.pdf. Implementation note: 2D parametric curves are used to describe paths instead of implicit curves of the form f(x,y) = 0 as described in the paper (which dramatically affects the cross track error calculation).

GuidingVectorField(path: Path, kN: Double, errorMapFunc: (Double) -> Double = { it })



Returns the normalized value of the vector field at the given point.

operator fun get(x: Double, y: Double): Vector2d


Returns the normalized value of the vector field at the given point along with useful intermediate computations.

fun getExtended(x: Double, y: Double, projectGuess: Double = path.length() / 2.0): GVFResult