HolonomicPIDVAFollower(axialCoeffs: PIDCoefficients, lateralCoeffs: PIDCoefficients, headingCoeffs: PIDCoefficients, admissibleError: Pose2d = Pose2d(), timeout: Double = 0.0, clock: NanoClock = NanoClock.system())
Traditional PID controller with feedforward velocity and acceleration components to follow a trajectory. More specifically, the feedback is applied to the components of the robot's pose (x position, y position, and heading) to determine the velocity correction. The feedforward components are instead applied at the wheel level.
- PID coefficients for the robot axial controller (robot X)
- PID coefficients for the robot lateral controller (robot Y)
- PID coefficients for the robot heading controller
- admissible/satisfactory pose error at the end of each move